Stockholmers: Nearly the Worst at Cycling to Work


Its not without a bit of irony that a recent study showed that in fact Stockholm is nearly the worst city in Sweden for users that take their bicycles to work. For those interested you can see the original story here

For us at Stark Drive, we can understand some of the prejudices that have been associated with taking a bike to work. There is the problem of finding a parking spot, perhaps difficulty in securing your bike, with a non electric bike the exertion can result in arriving to work extremely warm and sweaty not to mention the cost of obtaining even a regular bike in Stockholm can run into the thousands of SEK.

We att Stark Drive believe that cycling is something that is not only good for the environment but also good for the soul. We sell our ultra affordable electric bikes at near cost to help to get them out to as many people as possible. In fact our Stark Drive City model costs less then many of the non electric bikes sold at major chains here in Sweden.

However as much as it might sound ridiculous, the starting price of $399 is still to high in my eyes. Early next year we are going to launch a mini version of Stark Drive that weights just over 10kg and is completely foldable including the handlebars for the unbelievable starting price of $299. We will soon launch a site dedicated to sign ups so that people can keep informed about progress.

First however we want to get Stark Drive delivered to our backers. On that note production is going well. We are going to receive word from our factory near the end of august about the concrete shipping dates and as soon as we have this information we are going to pass it on to you. The good news to batch 2 backers and beyond is that we have now resolved our 'growing pains' and production will proceed smoothly from here on in.

Furthermore, we are going to be much more proactive then some of our competition and are opening up a Storage facility in the middle of western Europe which will house the standard models of Stark Drive (no customization) and for those that order a standard unit, they will have their bike within a week. the goal is to cut the standard 60-90 day delivery time our competition has to no more then 7 days.

Thank you for your patience and support.


CEO, Stark Drive LLC.