Stark Drive Is Making News All Over the Web.

This Swedish startup has started a price war on electric bikes – and it’s a really smooth ride
Den här svenska startupen har startat ett priskrig på elcyklar
“Stark Break the $400 Barrier for Electric Bikes”
Forbes has written about Stark Drive here.
“Stark Drive aims to deliver an e-bike for the masses”
Bikeradar has written about Stark Drive here
“Markedsfører seg som verdens billigste elsykkel.” has written about Stark Drive here
they have written about us here again.
Stark Drive launches $400 full-size folding electric bike
Our favorite site has written about Stark Drive here
The German Website ComputerBild:
Stark Drive: Richtig günstiges und kompaktes E-Bike!
Stark Drive económica bicicleta eléctrica plegable por sólo 399 dólares
A snapshot of our entire archived Campaign from Indiegogo
Most Affordable Electric Bicycle? Stark Drive Got You Covered
Electric bikes reach a Stark junction with the mass market
Stark Drive launches $400 full-size folding electric bike